

Publishing and Media


Alphabetical List


  • Carol J. Adams

    Carol J. Adams is a feminist-vegan advocate, activist, and independent scholar and the author of numerous books including her pathbreaking The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory, now in a Bloomsbury Revelations edition celebrating its 30th anniversary. It has been…

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  • Omowale Adewale

    Omowale (Omo-Wah-LAY) Adewale (A-DAY-Wah-LAY) is an organizer with over 20 years of theoretical and practical application in enhancing egalitarian concepts and systems. He is the founder of Black VegFest and co-founder of Grassroots Artists MovEment (G.A.ME). Omowale is a two-time…

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  • Keith Akers

    Keith Akers is the author of A Vegetarian Sourcebook: The Nutrition, Ecology, and Ethics of a Natural Foods Diet. He has been involved with various vegetarian groups for over a quarter of a century, and currently runs the group Denver Vegans. He lives…

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  • John Anglin

    Fr. John Anglin, OFM, hails from Boston and presently resides in St. Petersburg, Florida. He became a Franciscan friar in 1964 and was ordained a priest in 1971. He has wide experience in ministry, ranging from high school teacher to parish…

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  • Carl J. Arico

    Father Carl Arico is a founding member and the current vice president of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., founded in 1984 to foster the process of transformation in Christ in one another through the practice of Centering Prayer. Father Arico has practiced…

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  • Melissa Armstrong

     Melissa Armstrong has been independently rescuing dogs for over fifteen years, and from 2013 to 2015 she fostered and trained thirty homeless dogs for a local nonprofit. She has an MFA in creative nonfiction and fiction from the Vermont College…

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  • Hope Bohanec

    Hope Bohanec has been active in animal protection and environmental activism for thirty years and has published the book The Ultimate Betrayal: Is There Happy Meat? She is the Executive Director of Compassionate Living and the host of the Hope…

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  • Matt Ball

    Matt Ball, along with Jack Norris, co-founded Vegan Outreach in 1993. Before working full-time as the Executive Director of Vegan Outreach, he was a Department of Energy Global Change Fellow, and earned degrees in the Department of Forest Ecology at…

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  • Soraya Beheshti

    Soraya Beheshti has worked for several years with refugees across the Middle East and Asia. She is the CEO and founder of Karvan, a non-profit organization that leverages innovative Blockchain technology to improve the lives of refugees around the world….

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  • Steven Best

    Steven Best, Ph.D. is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Texas, El Paso, and has published numerous books and articles on philosophy, cultural criticism, social theory, and animal rights. Steven Best was named one…

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  • Ryan Bethencourt

    Ryan Bethencourt

    Ryan Bethencourt is the co-founder of Wild Earth, a dog food company, and founder and former program director of the biotech incubator IndieBio.

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  • Aryenish Birdie

    Aryenish Birdie is the founder and executive director of Encompass. Prior to Encompass, Aryenish worked at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine promoting alternatives to animal tests. In addition to her more than two decades in animal protection, Aryenish has…

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  • Irene Blasco

    Irene Blasco is a Spanish illustrator, designer, and painter based in Valencia, Spain. Taking an intuitive approach, she primarily works with digital techniques in a versatile style that accentuates her use of color. She loves photography and since 2010 has…

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  • Theophane Boyd

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  • Joseph Boyle

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  • Peter Brandt

    Peter Brandt is the Senior Attorney for Farm Animals at the nation’s largest animal protection organization, the HSUS. In 2017, he was a Farm Animal Law and Policy Fellow with Harvard Law School’s Animal Law & Policy Program. As an…

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  • Nathan Braun

    Nathan Braun, a former presidential scholar at Augusta University College, is a founder of the Christian Vegetarian Association (christianveg.com) and the Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (servonline.org). He has a long-standing interest in religious studies, and his current focus…

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  • Patti Breitman

    Patti Breitman is an animal and health advocate and an expert public speaker. She is a former food columnist for VegNews magazine and writes an occasional blog on VegSource.com. Patti teaches cooking classes throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, where she lives.

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  • Brooks Brown

    Brooks Brown graduated from Columbine High School in 1999; No Easy Answers was his first book. Brooks worked and consulted on Michael Moore’s Academy Award-winning documentary Bowling for Columbine. He lives in Los Angeles, California.

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  • Verena Brunschweiger

    Verena Brunschweiger is an author, passionate childfree activist, and feminist. She was born in Passau, Germany, in 1980. She studied German, English, and Philosophy at Regensburg University, receiving her PhD in 2007 and teaches at a Bavarian grammar school. She…

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  • Jess Bugg

    Jess Bugg is a writer and artist based in Austin, TX. She blends her passion for ecology and animal rights with a love of storytelling. Bugg received her BA in visual communication from the Savannah College of Art and Design…

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  • Leonardo Caffo

    Leonardo Caffo is a theoretical philosopher and associate fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. He directed and founded the magazines Animal Studies and the Italian Journal of Analytic Philosophy Junior. With Maurizio Ferraris he edited Philosophy Globalized (Mimesis International, 2013). He is the author…

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  • Judy Carman

    Animal rights, peace, and environmental activist since the 70’s, Judy Carman, is the author of award-winning Peace to All Beings: Veggie Soup for the Chicken’s Soul; and co-author with Tina Volpe of The Missing Peace. She is co-founder with Will and Madeleine Tuttle of Circle…

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  • Katherine Carver

    Katherine Carver was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1978. She was introduced to photography during high school. In 2011, she found herself behind a camera lens creating photographs of her first dog, a rescue Shetland Sheepdog named Biscuit, who…

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  • Sherry F. Colb

    Sherry F. Colb was Professor of Law and Charles Evans Hughes Scholar at Cornell University Law School, where she taught courses in animal rights, evidence, and criminal procedure. She was a graduate of Columbia College and Harvard Law School, and a…

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  • William Crain

    William “Bill” Crain is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at The City College of New York. In 2008, he and his wife Ellen founded Safe Haven Farm Sanctuary in Poughquag, NY. The sanctuary provides a lifelong home to farmed animals rescued…

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  • Karen Davis

    Karen Davis was the founder and President of United Poultry Concerns. She had a PhD in English from the University of Maryland, College Park, where she taught in the English Department for twelve years. She is the author of A Home for…

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  • Kara Davis

    Kara Davis formerly worked at Lantern Books. She was raised in the military with a no-nukes activist parent, and cut her teeth with the Sanctuary movement on the Arizona border. Embracing complexity, her activism is centered in harm-reduction and includes…

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  • Susan E. Davis

    Award-winning journalist and editor Susan E. Davis has written for a wide range of publications, including Sports Illustrated, Mademoiselle, The Nation and The Washington Post. She is the author of The Sporting Life and Baby Play. She is a national educator with the House Rabbit Society and lives in the San Francisco…

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  • Lorie Eve Dechar

    Lorie Eve Dechar

    Lorie Eve Dechar’s unique alchemical approach to the practice of traditional Chinese medicine emerges from her commitment to discovering a healthier and more integrated way for herself and other people to inhabit our planet. Her background includes a Master’s degree…

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  • Jason Del Gandio

    Jason Del Gandio is an Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Public Advocacy at Temple University (Philadelphia). He has written on such topics as autonomy, immaterial labor, corporate control, the rhetoric of Barack Obama, performance art, the Occupy movement, and the relationship…

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  • Margo DeMello

    Margo DeMello received her Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from U.C. Davis in 1995, and currently teaches at Canisius College in the Anthrozoology Masters program, and at Central New Mexico Community College, teaching sociology, cultural studies, and anthropology. She is the Program…

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  • Élise Desaulniers

    A political science graduate, Élise Desaulniers worked in research and marketing for over ten years. A special interest in food ethics and veganism led her to create the blog penseravantdouvrirlabouche.com (“think before you open your mouth dot com”), and then to write…

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  • Christine A. Dorchak 

    Christine A. Dorchak, along with Carey M. Theil, is a cofounder of GREY2K USA Worldwide. As an attorney, Christine specializes in pari-mutuel law and has drafted laws to successfully prohibit dog racing in several states and countries. She has been…

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  • Kathryn Eddy

    Kathryn Eddy is an interdisciplinary artist who uses sound, installation, painting, drawing, and sculpture to explore the complexities of the animal and human animal relationship. She holds an MFA from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her work has been exhibited…

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  • Hal L. Edwards

    Hal L. Edwards has worked for more than half a century as a clergyman, marketplace coach, pastoral psychotherapist, and spiritual director. An ordained United Methodist pastor, he served local parishes in North Carolina, Kentucky, Minnesota, and Southern California before becoming President…

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  • Mylan Engel Jr.

    Mylan Engel Jr. is a philosophy professor at Northern Illinois University, where he received NIU’s 2009 excellence in undergraduate Teaching Award. He earned his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Arizona. He specializes in epistemology, philosophy of religion, and…

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  • Debra Maria Flint

    Debra Maria Flint was born in Birmingham, UK, to an agnostic family. She converted to Catholicism at twenty-two years of age in the wake of Vatican II. She lived in Greece from her late teenage years into her early twenties…

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  • Namulundah Florence

    Namulundah Florence was born in Bungoma, Kenya, and teaches at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. She holds a Ph.D. in education from Fordham University. Her research and teaching interests explore the impact of conceptions of self and…

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  • JJ Flowers

    JJ Flowers is a screenwriter, author of a number of children’s books, and (under the name of Jennifer Horsman) the author of several historical romances. She is also the author of The Spiritual and Scientific Power of Veganism. When not…

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  • Clifton P. Flynn

    Clifton P. Flynn is Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Emeritus and Distinguished Professor Emeritus at University of South Carolina Upstate (Retired). In 2001, he was awarded the New Animals & Society Course Award by the Humane Society of the United States,…

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  • Bruce Friedrich

    Bruce Friedrich is co-founder and executive director of the Good Food Institute. Bruce oversees GFI’s global strategy, working with directors and international managing directors to ensure that GFI is maximally effective at implementing programs that deliver mission-focused results. Bruce is…

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  • Anouk Frolic

    Anouk Frolic is a long-time vegan animal rights activist who has used her artistic talents to be a voice for the animals. She lives in Toronto, Canada with her daughter, husband, and senior rescue cat. A graduate of OCADU (Ontario…

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  • Mary Margaret Funk

    Sr. Mary Margaret Funk is the author of Thoughts Matter (Continuum, 1997), Tools Matter (Continuum, 1999), and Lectio Matters (Continuum, 2010). She was formerly the Executive Director of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue. She lives at Our Lady of Grace Monastery in Beech Grove, Indiana.

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  • Sophie Gamand

    Sophie Gamand is an award-winning French photographer and animal advocate who travels around the United States photographing shelter dogs to bring awareness of their fate and to help them get them adopted. In addition to social media, her portraits have been…

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  • Tracey Winter Glover

    Tracey Winter Glover graduated phi beta kappa from the University of Michigan and holds a law degree from the University of Michigan’s law school. She practiced health care law in Washington DC for eight years before heading to Rishikesh, India, to…

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  • Colin Greer

    Dr. Colin Greer has been the President of the New World Foundation since 1985. Formerly, he was a Professor at Brooklyn College, CUNY.  Dr. Greer participated in and directed several studies of U.S. Immigration and urban schooling policy and history…

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  • Lori Gruen

    Lori Gruen is a leading scholar in Animal Studies and Feminist Philosophy.  She is the author and editor of 10 books, including Ethics and Animals: An Introduction (Cambridge, 2011), Critical Terms for Animal Studies (Chicago, 2018), Reflecting on Nature: Readings in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics (Oxford,…

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  • Emma Hakansson

    Emma Hakansson is a dedicated advocate working to upheave oppression facing our fellow animals, children, women. and working people. As the author of How Veganism Can Save Us, Hakansson has lectured internationally on ethics and sustainability, and her work and…

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  • Nadeem Haque

    Nadeem Haque is a philosopher of science, author and practicing civil engineering in Canada. Nadeem has written numerous books and articles/papers at the intersection between Islam and Science/Philosophy, tackling major areas such as evolution, consciousness, extraterrestrial life/Quran, the environment/animals, science/religion…

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  • A. Breeze Harper

    A. Breeze Harper has a PhD in Critical Food Geographies, is the founder of the Sistah Vegan Project. She started The Sistah Vegan Project as an online forum that focuses on how plant-based consumptive lifestyle is affected by factors of race, racism,…

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  • James D. Harris

    Dr. James D. Harris completed a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology while working full time for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. He recently retired after 28 years of law enforcement experience. His assignments included the Hall of Justice Jail, Firestone Sheriff’s…

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  • Bill Hatcher

    Bill Hatcher has instructed geography and anthropology courses since 1994, including: Peace Corps Tanzania, Alaska Pacific University, Matanuska-Susitna College, Blackburn University, National Outdoor Leadership School, Colorado Mountain College, Trinidad State College, and Pikes Peak State College. As an author, he…

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  • Ruth Heidrich

    Ruth Heidrich received her Ph.D. in Health Management in 1993 and is the author of The Race For Life Cookbook, Senior Fitness, and Lifelong Running. Diagnosed with an aggressive type of breast cancer in her mid-forties despite thinking she was…

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  • Laurence Hillman

    Born and raised in Zürich, Switzerland, Laurence Hillman began to study astrology at the age of sixteen and this has remained his passion for over thirty-six years. He is a full-time professional astrologer and specializes in helping his clients understand…

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  • J. R. Hyland

    J. R. Hyland was an ordained evangelical minister who worked in prison ministry and migrant farmworkers as well as actively supporting issues of female equality and animal rights. For several years, Rev. Hyland edited Humane Religion, a bimonthly journal, and contributed numerous…

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  • Coyote Jacobs

    Coyote Jacobs was born as a large insect under a rock but through a series of increasingly unfortunate events now has to live life as a human man. He forgets when he became an artist but it’s the main thing…

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  • Kathie Jenni

    Kathie Jenni earned her Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of California, Irvine, then spent a year as an ethics in Society fellow at Stanford university before taking her current position at the University of Redlands. She has taught environmental ethics,…

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  • pattrice jones

    pattrice jones is an ecofeminist writer, scholar, and activist who, along with Miriam Jones, cofounded VINE Sanctuary, an LGBTQ-run farmed animal sanctuary that operates within an understanding of the intersection of oppressions. She is the author of Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent…

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  • Melanie Joy

    Melanie Joy, PhD, is a psychologist, international speaker, and longtime vegan and social justice advocate. She is the award-winning author of six books, including Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism; Beyond Beliefs: A Guide…

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  • Stephen R. Kaufman

    Stephen R. Kaufman is an ophthalmologist specializing in retinal disease and is a clinical assistant professor at both Case Western Reserve University and Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine. He is cochair of the Medical Research Modernization Committee, president of…

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  • Thomas Keating

    Fr. Thomas Keating was a founding member and the spiritual guide of Contemplative Outreach. He served on Contemplative Outreach’s Board of Trustees since the organization’s beginning and served as the Chairman of the Board. Fr. Keating was one of the principal architects…

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  • Lisa Kemmerer

    Lisa Kemmerer (B.A. in international studies, Reed College; M.T.S. in comparative religions, Harvard Divinity School; Ph.D. in philosophy, University of Glasgow, Scotland) is a philosopher-activist, artist, and lover of wild places, who has hiked, biked, kayaked, backpacked, and traveled widely. Kemmerer…

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  • Aph Ko

    Aph Ko

    Aph Ko is a writer and independent digital media producer. She is the founder of Black Vegans Rock and coauthor of Aphro-ism: Essays on Pop Culture, Feminism, and Black Veganism from Two Sisters. Aph also served as the Associate Producer for the…

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  • Ko Syl

    Syl Ko

    Syl Ko studied philosophy at San Francisco State University and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She is currently working on a book exploring Wittgensteinian “forms of life” defenses of animal use, taking into account the racialization of the animal.

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  • Joanne Kong

    Dr. Joanne Kong has been recognized as one of the most compelling advocates for plant-sourced nutrition today. A frequent public speaker at universities, festivals, and conferences, her highly praised TEDx talk, “The Power of Plant-Based Eating,” is on numerous websites….

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  • Gary Kowalski

    Reverend Gary Kowalski, a graduate of Harvard College and the Harvard Divinity School, is author of The Souls of Animals and Goodbye Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet, as well as other books on spirituality, nature, history, and science. He…

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  • Isabella La Rocca González

    Isabella La Rocca González is an artist and activist based in the United States. Her work is part of a long tradition in art and photography: to bring to light and find beauty in the disregarded, hidden, or unconscious. As…

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  • Daniel Lanahan

    Father Daniel Lanahan, OFM was raised in Brooklyn, NY, and joined the Holy Name Friars at age 20. He was educated in moral theology at the Catholic University of America and received his doctorate from the Alphonsian Institute in Rome….

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  • Alycee J. Lane

    Alycee J. Lane is is a former professor who taught African American literature and culture at UC Santa Barbara. She is author of the book The Wretched of Mother Earth: The Handbook for Living, Dying, and Nonviolent Revolution in the Midst…

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  • Ruth Lauer-Manenti

    Ruth Lauer-Manenti is the daughter of Lothar and Stefanie Lauer. Her parents came to the United States from Europe as refugees. Her father was a scientist and her mother is a published author. Both set an example of how to be…

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  • Wendy Lee

    Wendy Lee is the author of the novels The Art of Confidence (Kensington), Across a Green Ocean (Kensington), and Happy Family (Black Cat/Grove Atlantic). Happy Family was named one of the top ten debut novels of 2008 by Booklist and awarded an honorable mention from the Association of…

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  • Tobias Leenaert

    Tobias Leenaert is a longtime speaker, trainer, strategist, and the co-founder of the Belgian organization EVA (Ethical Vegetarian Alternative), the first vegetarian/vegan organization to receive structural funding from a national government. Under Tobias’ management, EVA launched a successful campaign that resulted…

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  • Ray Leonardini

    Ray Leonardini is a former lawyer who practiced government and nonprofit law for nearly 30 years. After his retirement, he turned toward his foremost area of interest: the Christian contemplative tradition. For the last nine years, as a volunteer chaplain, he…

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  • Karen Levenson

    Karen Levenson directed Animal Alliance of Canada’s ten-year campaign to end the slaughter of Canada’s harp seals, beginning in 2004. She achieved Canada’s only municipal wildlife trapping ban and successfully lobbied its oldest veterinary college to end terminal spay/neuter exams….

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  • Andrew Linzey

    The Revd Professor Andrew Linzey, PhD, DD, HonDD, has been a member of the Faculty of Theology in the University of Oxford for 28 years. He previously held the world’s first academic post in Theology and Animal Welfare — at Mansfield…

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  • Alex Lockwood

    Alex Lockwood, Ph.D., is a writer, educator, and activist working in the fields of literature, creative writing, media, environment, and Human–Animal Studies. He has published widely on Rachel Carson and her legacy for contemporary writers. He lives in Newcastle, United…

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  • Sarah Love

    Sarah Love is an elementary teacher in the Cherry Creek school district in Aurora, Colorado. Inspired by her desire to help people, she knew she wanted to be an educator early on in her life. She graduated from Metropolitan State College…

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  • Dara Lovitz

    Dara Lovitz is a passionate activist and working mother of twin daughters who cares deeply about making the world a kinder place. She’s an author, professor, presenter, and co-founding board member of Peace Advocacy Network, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes…

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  • Philip Lymbery

    Philip Lymbery is global chief executive of Compassion in World Farming International, the leading farm animal welfare environmental organization responsible for achieving major bans on some of the cruelest farming practices.  He is president of Eurogroup for Animals and a…

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  • Wangari Maathai

    Wangari Maathai was the founder of the Green Belt Movement and the first woman to earn a doctorate in biology in East Africa. A recipient of numerous awards for her work on environmental and social issues, in 2004, she was honored…

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  • Peter Marsh

    Peter Marsh received a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Wesleyan University in 1976. Since receiving a law degree four years later, he has represented people with disabilities and organizations that provide services to them. Peter lives with his wife in…

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  • Jim Mason

    Jim Mason was trained as a lawyer. He was one of founders and editor of the Animals Agenda magazine, and co-author (with Peter Singer) of Animal Factories (1980) and The Ethics of What We Eat (2006). He has written articles for…

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  • Al-Hafiz B.A. Masri

    Al-Hafiz Basheer Ahmed Masri was, by all accounts, a bold, pioneering, and revolutionary Muslim personality. It would not be a stretch to say that Masri’s fascinating life spanned the history of Islam in the 20th Century and in fact played…

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  • Jo-Anne McArthur

    Jo-Anne McArthur is an award-winning photographer, author, and sought-after speaker. Through her long-term body of work, We Animals, she has documented our complex relationship with animals around the globe. Since 1998, her work has taken her to over sixty countries. In 2019…

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  • Brian McCarthy

    Chef Brian P. McCarthy has been a professional cook/chef since 1982. In 1995 he turned to a vegan diet for its health benefits, and began to explore the world of vegan cooking as a chef for Bon Appétit. Cooking in…

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  • John A. McKinnon

    John A. McKinnon, M.D., was educated at Harvard, Cambridge University, Case Western Reserve University, Yale, and Norwich University. He taught at the University of California, San Francisco, and directed psychiatry hospital programs in Texas and Montana. Disgusted with the mediocrity…

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  • Z. Zane McNeill

    Z. Zane McNeill is a nonbinary activist-scholar, ten-year vegan, and co-editor of Queer and Trans Voices: Achieving Liberation Through Consistent Anti-Oppression (Sanctuary Publishers, 2020). Zane lives in Morgantown, West Virginia.

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  • James McWilliams

    James McWilliams is an historian and writer based in Austin, Texas. His books include Just Food: Where Locavores Get It Wrong and How We Can Truly Eat Responsibly (Little, Brown) and A Revolution in Eating: How the Quest for Food Shaped America (Columbia University Press)….

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  • Gordon Meade

    Gordon Meade is a Scottish poet based in the East Neuk of Fife. He has been the Creative Writing Fellow at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, and the Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellow at the University of Dundee,…

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  • Richard J. Meagher

    Richard J. Meagher, PhD is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of Social Entrepreneurship at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, VA, and holds an MA in Philosophy and PhD in Political Science from the City University of New York. He…

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  • William Meninger

    Fr. William Meninger, OCSO, entered St. Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts, in 1963. While there, he developed a contemplative prayer method based on the fourteenth-century classic The Cloud of Unknowing, leading to a prayer method called Centering Prayer. Fr. William…

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  • Nan Merrill

    Nan C. Merrill was the author of the classic Psalms for Praying: An Invitation to Wholeness (2001); Meditations and Mandalas: Simple Songs for the Spiritual Life (2001); and Journey into Love: From Grace to Gratitude (2008). She died in January 2010.

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  • Rob Merritt

    Rob Merritt graduated from the University of Iowa School of Journalism in 1998 and currently lives in Iowa, where he is a marketing strategist and an actor.

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  • Virginia Messina

    Virginia Messina, MPH, RD, is coauthor of Vegan for Life and Vegan for Her and of the first textbook on vegetarian nutrition for medical professionals. She writes and speaks on vegan nutrition for both consumers and health professionals. Ginny serves on the board of…

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  • Netanel Miles-Yepez

    Netanel Miles-Yépez is a Mexican-American artist, comparative religion scholar and teacher of contemporary spirituality. After learning that he was descended from a Mexican family of crypto-Jews, Netanel decided to study History of Religions at Michigan State University and Contemplative Religion at…

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  • Ruth Montiel Arias

    Ruth Montiel Arias graduated in Applied Arts from the Pablo Picasso Higher School of Arts in A Coruña, she completed the Master of Photography EFTI International Center for Photography and Film in Madrid.Her projects investigate the human relationship with natural…

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  • Victoria Moran

    Victoria Moran has been a Main Street Vegan for almost 30 years and is an obesity survivor, maintaining a 60+-pound weight loss into the double-digit decades. She’s the bestselling author of eleven books, including Creating a Charmed Life (in 30 languages around the…

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  • Cheryl Moss

    Cheryl Moss understands the unconscionable misuse and exploitation of animals and the impact on our environment and pandemics. She believes in creating a children’s book series about alternative ways of thinking and living to foster fundamental change. With her husband,…

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  • Emily N. B.

    Emily N. B. is a Latina illustrator and graphic designer based in California. She has worked with organizations such as Vegan F.T.A and Animal Rebellion. She works on spreading kindness and compassion for animals with her illustrations on Instagram, (@soy._.emily)….

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  • Ingrid Newkirk

    Ingrid E. Newkirk is president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the largest animal rights organization in the world, and founder of all PETA entities in Europe, Asia, the UK and the U.S. Her campaigns to save…

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  • Hanh Nguyen

    Hanh Nguyen holds a BA in Sociology from Yale University. Her journey in rethinking human–other animal relationships began when she was an undergraduate, and has since taken her to dozens of colleges and universities across North America, helping thousands of students…

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  • Anthony J. Nocella II

    Anthony J. Nocella II, Ph.D., an internationally renowned author, professor, mediator, and community organizer. Dr. Nocella, a critical criminologist and pedagogue, is an Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the Institute for Public Safety at Salt Lake Community…

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  • Murchadh Ó Madagáin

    Fr. Murchadh Ó Madagáin (pronounced Mur-a-ca) grew up in Galway, in the West of Ireland, in a family of seven children. In 1998 he was ordained a priest for the diocese of Galway, where he then worked for the following…

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  • Janell O’Rourke

    Janell O’Rourke is a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in Queens New York. Janell has a BFA from Colorado State University, an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and has done postgraduate studies at New York University. Her recent…

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  • Alice Oven

    Alice Oven is a freelance writer on animal welfare and ethics, and the senior acquisitions editor at Taylor & Francis for veterinary and life science books.

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  • Charles Patterson

    Charles Patterson is a writer, editor, therapist, historian, animal advocate, and award-winning author of ten books. Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust has been translated into French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Polish, Czech, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Russian, and Japanese (with…

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  • Pythia Peay

    Pythia Peay is an author and journalist on psychology, spirituality, and the American psyche. Her work has appeared in numerous magazines and newspapers, including Religion News Service, The Washington Post, and elsewhere. A regular contributor to The Huffington Post and Psychology Today, she has received…

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  • Camila Perussello

    Camila Perussello, Ph.D., is an extensively published Food Engineer with many years of postdoctoral experience. Her involvement with the animal liberation movement started decades ago when she first became vegetarian and later went vegan for ethical reasons. Dr. Perussello has…

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  • Norm Phelps

    Norm Phelps was the spiritual outreach director of The Fund for Animals, as well as a founding member of the Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (SERV) and a contributing writer for Satya. His goal was for faith communities of all traditions…

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  • Krissy Pozatek

    Krissy Pozatek, MSW, is a former wilderness therapist and current parent coach. It is her quest to bring the internal-resiliency skills that kids gain from the wilderness into everyday parenting. She is the author of Brave Parenting, Brave Teaching, and…

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  • Gretchen Primack

    Gretchen Primack is the author of two other collections, Visiting Days (Willow Books Editors Select Series 2019), set in a maximum-security men’s prison, and Doris’ Red Spaces (Mayapple Press 2014), as well as an earlier version of Kind (Post Traumatic…

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  • Tatiana Forero Puerta

    Tatiana Forero Puerta is originally from Bogotá, Colombia. A graduate of Stanford, New York, and Columbia universities, she has taught philosophy and yoga for a decade, including her post as an adjunct faculty member at New York University and the City…

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  • The Raven Corps

    The Raven Corps is a youth-centered movement of activists devoted to building a just and sustainable future for all animals and our natural world. We take action through a consistent anti-oppression lens and trust that we can achieve liberation for…

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  • Hillary Rettig

    Hillary Rettig worked for 11 years as a business coach and microlender at two nonprofit agencies in Boston, roles in which she helped hundreds of people from all backgrounds start and grow businesses in fields including art, technology, personal services, professional…

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  • Michelle Rivera

    Michelle Rivera is is co-founder and director of Animals 101, Inc. a humane education project in South Florida. She has received numerous awards in the fields of animal rescue and humane education, including the prestigious Superintendent’s Award for Excellence in Education,…

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  • Michelle Rojas-Soto

    Michelle Rojas-Soto is the chief talent and equity officer at KIPP SoCal charter schools. She previously served as managing director of Encompass, where she trained, coached, and consulted with animal protection leaders and organizations. Michelle is focused on creating equitable…

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  • Martin Rowe

    Martin Rowe is the Executive Director of the Culture & Animals Foundation, and a Senior Fellow at Brighter Green. The editor and publisher of more than 200 books at Lantern Books and Lantern Publishing & Media, both of which he co-founded, he is…

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  • James Ryan

    James Ryan is an addict in recovery. He is an assistant professor of writing at the University of Alaska Southeast. James holds a PhD in Composition and Rhetoric, a master’s in Theology, and a bachelor’s in Creative Writing. This book…

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  • Linnea Ryshke

    Linnea Ryshke was born in Los Angeles, CA and received her MFA in Visual Art from Washington University in St. Louis, and her BFA in Painting from Pratt Institute. She creates paintings, drawings, artist books, and poetry that seek to…

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  • Devin Staurbringer

    Devin Staurbringer is a writer and activist. He is passionate about helping animals, people, and the planet. He has been vegan for over 10 years, loves writing, photography, and nature. As well as writing, Devin is also currently posting educational…

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  • Richard H. Schwartz

    Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D., is the author of Judaism and Vegetarianism and Judaism and Global Survival among many other books and articles. President Emeritus of Jewish Veg and president of the Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians, he is professor…

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  • Jasmin Singer

    Jasmin Singer is the author of The VegNews Guide to Being a Fabulous Vegan (Hachette Go, 2020) and Always Too Much and Never Enough: A Memoir (Berkley, 2016). She is the co-host of the long-running Our Hen House podcast, is…

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  • Bill Sizemore

    Bill Sizemore retired in 2014 after a thirty-five-year career as a reporter with the Virginian-Pilot, the state’s largest-circulation newspaper. He was a finalist for the 2007 Pulitzer Prize in explanatory reporting for a series of stories on Blackwater, the private military company, and…

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  • Jens Soering

    Jens Soering is a German citizen who was incarcerated in 1986 before being released on parole in 2019 and returned to his native Germany. His case was featured on Court TV and A&E’s City Confidential. His work has been featured in Christianity Today, The…

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  • Valentina Sonzogni

    Valentina Sonzogni obtained a Ph.D. at the University for Applied Arts in Vienna in the history and theory of architecture. She has worked at several institutions, including the Kiesler Foundation in Vienna and the Guggenheim Foundation in New York. A frequent…

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  • Simon Springer

    Simon Springer is Professor of Human Geography, Head of Discipline for Geography and Environmental Studies, and Director of the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at the University of Newcastle, Australia. His research agenda explores the social and political exclusions…

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  • Kim Stallwood

    Kim Stallwood is an independent scholar and author on animal rights. He is currently the European Director of Animals and Society Institute and Executive Director of Minding Animals International. His client organizations include CIWF, GREY2K USA Worldwide, and League Against Cruel…

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  • Pei Feng Su

    Pei Feng Su founded ACTAsia, a charitable organization, in 2006 to promote kindness and compassion through educational initiatives in Asia. Her background was one of hardships: the deaths of her parents, grandmother, and other close family members by the time…

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  • Ellen Tadd

    Ellen Tadd has taught, lectured, and counseled on actualizing spiritual potential in everyday life for more than thirty years. Shortly after completing her freshman year of college, she had the remarkable experience of being able to contact her deceased mother. That…

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  • Leslie Talley

    Leslie Talley is an author and illustrator who lives in Eden, North Carolina.

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  • Nik Taylor

    Dr. Nik Taylor is an internationally recognized critical and public sociologist who has published over 70 articles, books and book chapters. Her research focusses on mechanisms of power and marginalization expressed in/through human relations with other species and is informed…

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  • Carey M. Theil 

    Carey M. Theil, along with Christine A. Dorchak, is a cofounder of GREY2K USA Worldwide. Carey has decades of legislative experience and has been quoted in hundreds of news articles about greyhound racing published across the globe. In his free…

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  • Jeff Thomas

    Jeff Thomas has longtime professional experience in the farm animal movement and political campaigns. He is also the author of two classic books on modern Virginia politics. He is currently a doctoral candidate at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of…

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  • Agnes Trzak

    Agnes Trzak is an educator, activist, and scholar, specializing in anti-speciesist theory and the deconstruction of the (Hu)man, a term originating from her doctoral thesis. She is also the founder of the Anti-Speciesist Collective, a grassroots group run for and by non-binary people…

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  • Will Tuttle

    Dr. Will Tuttle’s writings, presentations, and  music focus on compassion, creativity, intuition, and the intersection of social justice, animal liberation, and environmental, health, spiritual, and peace issues. A visionary speaker, educator, author, and musician, he’s a former Zen monk with…

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  • Liz Tyson

    Dr. Liz Tyson is Born Free USA’s Programs Director. She has helped animals across the globe. She helped to establish the very first locally run sterilization program for street dogs in the Middle East, worked with indigenous communities in the…

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  • Michel Vandenbosch 

    Michel Vandenbosch is Belgium’s best-known animal activist and founded GAIA in 1992. Under his leadership as policy and campaigns director, GAIA has become Belgium’s most influential animal welfare and rights organization with more than eighty thousand members. It has largely…

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  • Jimmy Videle

    Jimmy Videle is a farmer, activist, consultant, and researcher. He has been a consultant, researcher, and volunteer with A.U.M. Films (producers of Cowspiracy and What the Health), Humane Party, USA and the Animal Protection Party, Canada. He lives with his…

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  • Ernie Ward

    Ernie Ward

    Ernie Ward, DVM, CVFT (veterinary food therapist) has spent his career blending healthy lifestyles and medicine. He is internationally known for improving veterinary medical standards, creating a higher quality of life for animals, and promoting healthier habits for pets and…

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  • L.A. Watson

    L.A. Watson is an interdisciplinary artist and writer working in the field of human–animal studies. Watson earned her BA in Gender and Women’s Studies from the University of Kentucky and holds an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her work…

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  • Shawna Weaver

    Shawna Weaver is a career-long educator and mental health advocate. She spent her early career as a mental health therapist and school counselor. The climate crisis compelled her to return to graduate school to earn a PhD in Sustainability Education…

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  • Zoe Weil

    Zoe Weil is the co-founder and president of the Institute for Humane Education (IHE), and is considered a pioneer in the comprehensive humane education movement. She is the author of six books, including the Nautilus Silver Medal–winner Most Good, Least Harm: A Simple…

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  • Ashley Wells

    Ashley Wells is a writer living in Logan, Utah, where she teaches in the English Department of Utah State University. She teaches courses in rhetoric and composition, including one on the rhetoric of cowgirls and freedom. Her work exploring cowgirl…

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  • Mark Whitwell

    Mark Whitwell has enjoyed a life long relationship with the yoga teachings of T. Krishnamacharya, and with his son and primary disciple T.K.V. Desikachar, whose students have had a major impact on yoga in the West. Whitwell was editor and contributor…

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  • Keith Wilson

    Keith Wilson is the co-founder (with Britta Jaschinski) of PHOTOGRAPHERS AGAINST WILDLIFE CRIME™, an international group of award-winning photographers who have joined forces to use their powerful and iconic images to help bring an end to the illegal wildlife trade….

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  • Patricia Chapple Wright

    Dr. Patricia Chapple Wright is best known for her 26-year study of social family interactions of wild lemurs in Madagascar’s Ranomafana National Park, which she helped establish in 1991. She is also the founder of the Institute for the Conservation of…

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