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The Philosophy of Animal Rights

A Brief Introduction for Students and Teachers

  •    10.00 paperback
  •    2.99 eBook - Purchase eBook
  •    140 pages
  •    5 x 8
  •    Paperback, eBook
  • Paperback ISBN  978-1-59056-177-5
  • eBook ISBN  978-1-59056-263-5
  • Publisher: Lantern Publishing & Media
  • Publication Date: June 2010

In this clear elucidation of the philosophy of animal rights, professors Mylan Engel Jr. and Kathie Jenni explore the fundamental outlines of the debate over our duties and responsibilities toward nonhuman animals. They also examine how the issue of animal rights plays out in a classroom setting and address some of the questions that arise for both students and teachers in presenting and studying this subject. In two course syllabi, Engel and Jenni place animal rights in the context of ethical practice and the environmental movement. The book also contains an extensive bibliography of references and philosophical resources.

The Philosophy of Animal Rights grew out of a chapter published in Teaching the Animal: Human–Animal Studies across the Disciplines (Lantern, 2010), and contains an introduction to, and appendices on, Human–Animal Studies by Margo DeMello.

Foreword by Margo DeMello
Introduction to Human–Animal Studies by Margo DeMello

The Philosophy of Animal Rights
Preface by Mylan Engel Jr. and Kathie Jenni
1. Introduction
2. Central Issues and Positions
3. Course Development
4. Challenges
5. Benefits to Students
6. Syllabi
         “Humans and Other Animals” by Kathie Jenni
          “Environmental Ethics” by Mylan Engel Jr.
Philosophical Resources

Appendices by Margo DeMello
1. Marketing Human–Animal Studies at Your University
2. HAS Resources across the Disciplines

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