
Publishing and Media

Jimmy Videle at the Montreal VegFest

Join Jimmy Videle at the Montreal vegan festival on October 9th to learn about all that’s possible with veganic farming—and what’s “necessary for all floral and faunal beings to thrive on our collective planet.”

His book, the Veganic Grower’s Handbook: Cultivating Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs from Urban Backyard to Rural Farmyard, is set to publish in 2023.

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How one dog helped end greyhound racing in Macau, and how he lived out his life free from the cruel sport

Brooklyn’s story should have ended quietly more than a decade earlier, when he was condemned to die at Macau’s notorious Canidrome dog racing track—a venue no dogs escaped in 80 years. In November 2011, Dorchak sent a letter to the Canidrome asking them to release Brooklyn and make him the first dog to leave the complex alive. It wouldn’t be until June 2018 that Brooklyn would leave his concrete cell.

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The Vegan Women Summit is Back: May 18-20, 2023

Vegan Women Summit® (VWS) is a global events and media organization created to empower women to build a kinder, more sustainable world. VWS hosts events with the goal to foster a community of strong, ambitious rising leaders working to bring compassion to their careers. VWS is supported by leading CEOs, founders, investors, athletes, & nonprofit leaders from around the world.

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Don’t forget to RSVP for Tickets to Black VegFest happening Saturday August 13, 2022

What is Black VegFest? “An Unapologetically Black Vegan Festival. The Best Summer Food and Liberation Experience!” Want to learn more? Visit their website at

Visit the Liberation Farm tent at 2:45PM for a special book signing of An Introduction to Veganism and Agricultural Globalism by author Omowale Adewale and grab some fresh produce from their Black vegan farm.

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Brooklyn, The Greyhound Who Inspired A Movement, Dies At Age 14

As reported by The Environmental Magazine, the former racing dog passed away on June 22.

Lantern Publishing & Media is currently working with Christine Dorchak and Carey Thiel to publish their book telling his incredible story: Brooklyn Goes Home: This Rise and Fall of Commercial Greyhound Racing, expected to print in 2023.

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