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Letters to a New Vegan

Letters to a New Vegan

Words to Inform, Inspire, and Support a Vegan Lifestyle

  •    15.00 paperback
  •    5.99 eBook - Purchase eBook
  •    148 pages
  •    4.5 x 7
  •    Paperback, eBook
  • Paperback ISBN  978-1-59056-504-9
  • eBook ISBN  978-1-59056-505-6
  • Publisher: Lantern Publishing & Media
  • Publication Date: April 2015

You’re interested in becoming a vegan but aren’t sure what it will be like. You’ve just started out on your vegan journey and you’re feeling isolated and wondering how to deal with friends and family. You’ve been a vegan for so long that you’ve forgotten the original impetus for your making the change and want to feel renewed. This book is for you.

In the spirit of Rainer Maria Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet and conceived of as a modern-day vade mecumLetters to a New Vegan consists of 32 humorous, evocative, spirited, and even tender epistles offering advice, counsel, and inspiration from activists and leaders who’ve followed the vegan path for years. The aim is to ignite, sustain, and refresh the passion and commitment of those who want to live more consciously and compassionately on the planet, with other people, and with themselves.

With contributions from:
Demetrius Bagley—Rick Bogle—Maddie Cartwright—Ashley Curtis—Tracy Curtis—Kara Davis—Karen Davis, Ph.D.—Jason Derry—Anne Dinshah—Daniel Earle—Jean Forst—Iselin Gambert—Jennifer Gloodt—Lara Goodman—Ruby Goodman—Julie Hanan—Sangamithra Iyer—Kare Kapelnikova—Shelley Kaplan—Madeleine Lifsey—Alexa McCormack—Victoria Moran—Jacqueline Morr—Linda Nelson—Ingrid E. Newkirk—Lynn Pauly—Gretchen Primack—Beth Lily Redwood—Daniel Redwood—Martin Rowe—Kurt Schwemmer—Angela Seiw—Keane Southard—Mark Turner

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