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Life Lessons, Hard Truths, and Bold Strategies from an Animal Advocate

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  •    300 pages
  •    6 x 9
  •    Paperback, eBook
  • Paperback ISBN  978-1-59056-396-0
  • eBook ISBN  978-1-59056-397-7
  • Publisher: Lantern Publishing & Media
  • Publication Date: June 2014

With a Foreword by Brian May

For four decades, Kim Stallwood has had a front seat in the animal rights movement, starting at the grassroots in England and working his way up to leadership positions at some of the best-known organizations in the world, including Compassion In World Farming, the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Yet, as Stallwood reveals in this memoir of an eventful life dedicated to social justice for the voiceless, finding the truest path for progress has meant learning a lot along the way.

Equal parts personal narrative, social history, and impassioned call for rethinking animal advocacy, Growl describes Stallwood’s journey from a meat-eating slaughterhouse worker to a vegan activist for all species. He explains the importance of four key values in animal rights philosophy and practice—compassion, truth, nonviolence, and justice—and how a deeper understanding of their role not only leads us to discover our humanity for animals, but also for ourselves.

“Not all souls sing; some growl—for justice, for truth, for nonviolence. In this compelling book, Kim Stallwood offers frontline reflections with feet-on-the-ground theory, centered in compassion.”—Carol J. Adams, author, The Sexual Politics of Meat

“An erudite, engaging, and at times hilarious autobiography from one of the wisest voices of the animal rights movement.”—Jonathan Balcombe, biologist and author, Pleasurable Kingdom

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