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The Common Heart

The Common Heart

An Experience of Interreligious Dialogue

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  •    15.00 paperback
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  •    144 pages
  •    5.25 x 8.25
  •    Paperback, eBook
  • Paperback ISBN  978-1-59056-099-0
  • eBook ISBN  978-1-59056296-3
  • Publisher: Lantern Publishing & Media
  • Publication Date: April 2006

For twenty years, a group of spiritual seekers from many religious traditions met in various places around the United States under the rubric of the Snowmass Conferences to engage in the deepest form of interreligious dialogue. The experience was intimate and trusting, transformative and inspiring. To encourage openness and honesty, no audio or visual recording was made of, and no articles were written about, the encounters.

When these encounters came to an end, it was agreed that reflections on what had happened emotionally, spiritually, philosophically, and theologically during the Snowmass dialogues should be written down. The result is The Common Heart.

Here is an extraordinary exploration of the wealth of the world’s spiritual traditions combined with dialogue from the heart about the differences and similarities between their paths of wisdom. Participants include Fr. Thomas Keating, Roshi Bernie Glassman, Swami Atmarupananda, Dr. Ibrahim Gamard, Imam Bilal Hyde, Pema Chodron, Rabbi Henoch Dov Hoffman, and many others. The foreword is by Ken Wilber.

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