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A Taste of Silence

Centering Prayer and the Contemplative Journey

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  •    18.00 paperback
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  •    176 pages
  •    5.5 x 8.5
  •    Paperback, eBook
  • Paperback ISBN  978-1-59056-525-4
  • eBook ISBN  978-1-59056-526-1
  • Publisher: Lantern Publishing & Media
  • Publication Date: December 2015

In this book, the outcome of more than twenty years of experience with Centering Prayer, Father Arico explores the fundamentals of prayer, how it impacts on one’s life, and how it can bring one peace of mind.

“Like John Wesley or Jean Pierre de Caussade before him, Catholic priest Arico provides the devout with a model and method for the attainment of a deeper spirituality; unlike them, he feels free to draw wisdom not only from Christian and ancient models but also from Sufism and Thomas Merton to show us how ‘God is calling us from our tombs’ to the experience of ‘divine union.’ Arico’s spirituality and warmth are profound, and his guide shall be well received by most Christian readers.”—Library Journal

“As this book makes clear, Centering Prayer is not an archaic part of church history to be dug up, examined, and set on a shelf as an interesting antiquity. Rather, it’s a life-changing tool for our modern lives.”—Ferdinand G. Mahfood, Founder, Food for the Poor

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