
Publishing and Media

Syl Ko Delivers the 2021 Annual Tom Regan Memorial Lecture

On November 18, Syl Ko, co-author of Aphro-ism, delivered the 2021 Annual Tom Regan Memorial Lecture

Christopher Carter, assistant professor and assistant chair & department diversity officer, theology and religious studies at the University of San Diego, responded to the presentation. Syl Ko’s lecture, titled “Re-centering the Human,” had been compiled with author Lindgren Johnson, and accompanied Mooni Perry’s exhibit 코로지엄과식탁위에카오스 (English: Coroseum and Chaos on the Table) at the Um Museum in South Korea (May 15, 2021 to June 13, 2021) and Mooni Perry’s exhibit 짐승에 이르기를 (English: As to the Beast) at Hapjungjigu in South Korea (April 1, 2021 to June 13, 2021).

You can watch the entire lecture, including the Q&A here, and read the text of “Re-centering the Human” here.