
Publishing and Media

Frequently Asked Questions

“How do I submit my manuscript?”

Lantern Publishing & Media is currently considering proposals for possible publication in years 2023 through 2028. Please submit your materials following our Proposal Guidelines. Make sure your proposal conforms to one or more of the categories we publish and aligns with our mission.

Please send your manuscript as an attachment to admin [at] lanternpm [dot] org, as no hard copies will be accepted.

Please also send us a resume, relevant marketing information, and any other material that you feel would be useful in helping us understand the book’s content market and potential. We will happily receive this information via email.

“Do you have a house style?”

Yes! Please check out our style guide for information on how to format your manuscript, as well as a general production schedule and timeline.

“How can I order my book?”

All authors are entitled to a 50% discount on copies they purchase themselves. To order books, please call 703-661-1594 or review the information on our Contact Page.

You will be charged for shipping, and you will not receive royalties on books that you buy yourself. Please order books with at least a two to three weeks lead time. 

“When will I get my royalties?”

Royalties are calculated twice a year, in April and October, based on the previous six months of sales. Royalties are paid once any advance payment you receive on your book is paid off. You do not receive royalties on books you purchase yourself or on copies sent out for promotional purposes. 


What are copyrights? What is considered “fair use”?

You do not need our permission to quote from a Lantern book unless the total number of words you are quoting from that book is over 500 words. You do, however, need to cite the sources in your footnotes, endnotes, or bibliography.

If the number of words is 500 or greater, or you wish to use chapters from our books for class, an anthology, or anything else, then you must apply for permission through Copyright Clearance Center.