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Running, Eating, Thinking

A Vegan Anthology

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  •    17.00 paperback
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  •    216 pages
  •    5.5 x 8.5
  •    Paperback, eBook
  • Paperback ISBN  978-1-59056-348-9
  • eBook ISBN  978-1-59056-425-7
  • Publisher: Lantern Publishing & Media
  • Publication Date: May 2014

“There are books on food, sport, fictional characters, biographies of the famous and infamous, and writing about almost every imaginable subject. But this is the first book I’ve read that combines the philosophy of two of my favorite subjects, eating and running. What a joy to read what fifteen other vegan runners have to say about what motivates them, their values, and, very importantly, the benefits they, the animals, and our planet all get from being vegan runners! Read this book and enjoy meeting some extraordinary people!”—Ruth E. Heidrich, Ph.D., author, A Race for Life, and Ironman triathlete


In recent years, endurance athletes, bodybuilders, and long-distance runners such as Ruth Heidrich, Scott Jurek, Rich Roll, Brendan Brazier, Robert Cheeke, and many others have destroyed the notion that you cannot be a top-flight competitor on a plant-based diet and upended the stereotype that veganism means weakness, placidity, and passivity. But are there deeper connections between veganism and running, for example, that reach beyond attaining peak performance to other aspects of being vegan: such as living lightly on the land, caring for other-than-human life, and connecting to our animal bodies?

The fifteen writers in Running, Eating, Thinking wager that there are, and they explore in manifold ways how those connections might be made. From coping with cancer to reflecting on the need of the confined animal to run free, from Buddhist ideas of nonviolence to harnessing the breath for singing and running, and from extolling the glories of lentils to committing oneself to the long run in animal activism, Running, Eating, Thinking is a pioneering anthology that may redefine your thinking about veganism and running.

Featuring: Gene Baur—Catherine Berlot—JL Fields—Matt Frazier—Christine Frietchen—Cassandra Greenwald—Gordon Harvey—Ellen Jaffe Jones—James McWilliams—Lisette Oropesa—Colleen Patrick-Goudreau—Kimatni Rawlins—Martin Rowe—Jasmin Singer—Scott Spitz—and Paul Shapiro.

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