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Gnashing My Teeth

Gnashing My Teeth


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  •    15.00 paperback
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  •    140 pages
  •    6 x 9
  •    Paperback, eBook
  • Paperback ISBN  978-1-59056-615-2
  • eBook ISBN  978-1-59056-616-9
  • Publisher: Lantern Publishing & Media
  • Publication Date: January 2020

“Colin Greer is among the most brilliant minds I know. His poems reflect a rare sensibility. Some bring the Hebrew Bible alive in intimate detail. Others speak of our lives with the fierce urgency of now. Read them, let them work on you.”—Michael Lerner, President and Co-founder, Commonweal

“I’ve enjoyed these poems very much. I find them poignant, deeply intelligent and full of heart. They each present an imaginative way of reflecting on the world such as it is and provide much needed perspective.”—Tom Oppenheim, Director at Stella Adler Studio and Harold Clurman Center for Poetry

“A call to action, a confession. God, guns and plenty of ammunition. The imagery is distinct and fresh. An inspiration, a provocateur, Greer keeps us thinking, questioning and searching deeply in our souls for unanswered questions to ask.”—Gina Belavonte, Writer, Director and Executive Director,

“Beautifully captures singular moments of morality, intimacy, spirituality, and humanity . . . stirs up ghosts of the past while rooted very much in this moment.”—Daniella Topol, Artistic Director, Rattlestick Theater, NYC

“These are beautiful poems, wondering out loud, conjuring memetic murmurs of what could be, recasting ancient truth, rewilding our political sensibilities in the context of dangerous times.”—Alnoor Ladha, Co-founder and Executive Director, The Rules

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