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Canines in the Classroom

Canines in the Classroom

Raising Humane Children through Interactions with Animals

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  •    17.95 paperback
  •    265 pages
  •    6.5 x 9.25
  •    Paperback
  • Paperback ISBN  978-1-59056-053-2
  • Publisher: Lantern Publishing & Media
  • Publication Date: June 2004

Humane education teaches respect for all living things to people of all ages. Michelle Rivera shows how raising awareness of the needs of animals and society’s responsibility to them can help stop not only violence against animals but also violence against humans. Out of her research and interviews with experts in psychology, education and sociology, Rivera has created a guide for all who want to begin teaching humane education in their homes, classrooms, communities, churches and organizations.

“A very important book. . . . Well researched and beautifully written, Canines in the Classroom will accomplish two crucial goals: helping people understand the necessity for education that promotes respect for animals and giving readers the tools to become humane educators themselves.”―Zoe Weil, President of the International Institute for Humane Education and author of Above All, Be Kind: Raising a Humane Child in Challenging Times and The Power and Promise of Humane Education

“A must read for teachers and parents alike. We must instill reflex-life compassion in our children or pay for our lapses later, for they are ambassadors for the future of all life on Earth. I learned much from reading this wonderful and inspiring book.”―Marc Bekoff, Regional Coordinator of the Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots and Shoots program; author of Minding Animals: Awareness, Emotions, and Heart

“Michelle Rivera’s passion for humane education shines through as she shares the beautiful stories of children opening their minds and hearts to animals. Canines in the Classroom illustrates how possible it is for you to become part of the growing humane movement, raising society’s awareness of how we treat one another and our ultimate home, the Earth.”―Dani Hy Dennenberg, Director and Founder of Seeds of Change Humane Education

“A practical―but, most importantly, inspiring―guide for everyone who cares about a more compassionate society, Canines in the Classroom is a valuable addition to our field.”―Judy Johns, President, Association of Professional Humane Educators

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