
Publishing and Media

Karen Davis

Karen Davis was the founder and President of United Poultry Concerns. She had a PhD in English from the University of Maryland, College Park, where she taught in the English Department for twelve years. She is the author of A Home for Henny (2014); Instead of Chicken, Instead of Turkey: A Poultryless ‘Poultry’ Potpourri (1999); Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs: An Inside Look at the Modern Poultry Industry (2009); and More Than a Meal: The Turkey in History, Myth, Ritual, and Reality (2001). She is also the author of The Holocaust and the Henmaid’s Tale: A Case for Comparing Atrocities (2005) and For the Birds: From Exploitation to Liberation (2019). Her website is

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Sherry F. Colb

Sherry F. Colb was Professor of Law and Charles Evans Hughes Scholar at Cornell University Law School, where she taught courses in animal rights, evidence, and criminal procedure. She was a graduate of Columbia College and Harvard Law School, and a former law clerk to the late Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun. Colb lived in Ithaca, New York, with her husband, two daughters, and two mixed-breed dogs.

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Judy Carman

Animal rights, peace, and environmental activist since the 70’s, Judy Carman, is the author of award-winning Peace to All Beings: Veggie Soup for the Chicken’s Soul; and co-author with Tina Volpe of The Missing Peace. She is co-founder with Will and Madeleine Tuttle of Circle of Compassion and the Prayer Circle for Animals Facebook page. She co-founded Animal Outreach of Kansas, which brought an end to animal circuses in Douglas County. She founded the Animals’ Peace Prayer Flag Project; co-founded, with Lisa Levinson, the Interfaith Vegan Coalition; assists Vegan Spirituality with events and is a member of the Advisory Council of Sustainable Activism, a project of In Defense of Animals. She received the Henry Spira Grassroots Animal Activist Award in 2014. Her website is

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Leonardo Caffo

Leonardo Caffo
 is a theoretical philosopher and associate fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics. He directed and founded the magazines Animal Studies and the Italian Journal of Analytic Philosophy Junior. With Maurizio Ferraris he edited Philosophy Globalized (Mimesis International, 2013). He is the author of The Possibility of Change: Human Actions and Moral Freedom (Mimesis, 2012) and The Pig Does Not Make the Revolution (Sonda, 2013). Most recently, he authored Only for Them: A Manifesto for Animality through Philosophy and Politics (Mimesis, 2015).

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Patti Breitman

Patti Breitman is an animal and health advocate and an expert public speaker. She is a former food columnist for VegNews magazine and writes an occasional blog on Patti teaches cooking classes throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, where she lives.

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Steven Best

Steven Best, Ph.D. is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Texas, El Paso, and has published numerous books and articles on philosophy, cultural criticism, social theory, and animal rights. Steven Best was named one of the “25 Most Fascinating Vegetarians” by VegNews magazine in its July+August 2007 issue. His website is

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Matt Ball

Matt Ball, along with Jack Norris, co-founded Vegan Outreach in 1993. Before working full-time as the Executive Director of Vegan Outreach, he was a Department of Energy Global Change Fellow, and earned degrees in the Department of Forest Ecology at the University of Illinois, and the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. Vegan Outreach activists have distributed millions of detailed animal advocacy booklets around the world, with distribution growing every year. Along with Mr. Norris, Matt was elected into the Animal Rights Hall of Fame in 2005.

Matt is currently co-founder and President of One Step for Animals and a member of the Communications Team at The Good Food Institute (GFI). His website is

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Carl J. Arico

Father Carl Arico is a founding member and the current vice president of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd., founded in 1984 to foster the process of transformation in Christ in one another through the practice of Centering Prayer. Father Arico has practiced Centering Prayer since 1975 and taught the prayer since 1978. 

Known for his humor and his ability to bridge the gap between the clergy and laity, he has traveled extensively in the United States and internationally to present workshops and direct retreats for both priests and laypeople. 

Father Arico is co-author of the book Living Our Priesthood Today (with Father Basil Pennington), and the author of A Taste of Silence, a guide to the fundamentals of Centering Prayer.

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John Anglin

Fr. John Anglin, OFM, hails from Boston and presently resides in St. Petersburg, Florida. He became a Franciscan friar in 1964 and was ordained a priest in 1971. He has wide experience in ministry, ranging from high school teacher to parish priest. He also served as a director for the formation of young Franciscans and as a missionary in Bolivia. For almost three decades, he has been an itinerant preacher, traveling widely to preach the Gospel in both English and Spanish in nearly 400 parishes in the United States and Canada. His website is:

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Keith Akers

Keith Akers is the author of A Vegetarian Sourcebook: The Nutrition, Ecology, and Ethics of a Natural Foods Diet. He has been involved with various vegetarian groups for over a quarter of a century, and currently runs the group Denver Vegans. He lives in Denver, Colorado with his wife, author Kate Lawrence. His website is

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