
Publishing and Media

Jo-Anne McArthur Interviewed by

Jo-Anne McArthur, editor of Hidden: Animals in the Anthropocene, was interviewed by about the book and her work as a photojournalist and working with other animal photojournalists.

Jo-Anne writes, “I’ve been watching what photographers have been shooting about animals in the Anthropocene for many years, and I squirrelled away those images thinking about what I could do with them someday. I can’t possibly, as one person, cover everything that I want to cover, and other photographers are doing it very well. I knew that it would be a stronger book if it was the work of many, and a book that helps to teach the photo community that “animal photojournalism” is a thing. We created a book of it and it’s not just one photographer saying, “Hey, it’s a thing” — it’s 40 photographers.” You can read the full article here.